THE adventure of rediscovery awaits you! You can be a part of new and ongoing projects that are seeking old civilizations, digging deeper to better understand what we already know, and searching the familiar in new ways. We need your help.

The CenturyOne Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1996. Its goals are to fund in whole and/or in part archaeological projects, historical and biblical research, lectures and symposiums, publications and education on subjects pertaining to the time of the first century C.E./A.D.

Funding for important projects, such as those we support, is difficult to find. Agencies on which many institutions have traditionally depended on have had to cut back funding drastically or altogether. Rising costs of field work in the Middle East have made archaeological projects very complex and expensive, making the funding of them beyond the means of a single institution or often even a consortium of institutions. The CenturyOne Foundation, Inc. was established to help fill this void. The funds of this foundation are made up of the donations of many individuals who are concerned that this type work take place.

It is by projects such as we support, under the direction of some of the most respected scholars in their fields, that we have and can gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, its meaning, and the context in which its events took place. We appreciate your help on any level possible.

The CenturyOne Bookstore was also created in 1996 to help fund the CenturyOne Foundation, Inc. The CenturyOne Foundation is a non-profit California corporation.

When you purchase a book, CD ROM, or video, a portion of the price is donated to the Foundation. While every purchase you make helps to make archaeology and biblical research possible, we appreciate and encourage any and all outright donations. All contributions are tax deductable in the United States as per Section 501(C)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. We offer Online Donations via our secure server.

By working through the CenturyOne Foundation we hope an interested public can feel a part of the important work being done in this area by the support they give.

The Board of the Foundation is made up of volunteer businessmen and academics. They receive no salary for their services. We have a commited group of respected professionals in their respective fields, that advise the Board on its activities.

President:   Michael D. McKinney
Director:   Samuel Martin
Dr. James D. Tabor
Dr. James H. Charlesworth
We would like to thank former advisor Dr. James F. Strange (1938-2018) for his help throughout the years.

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